Housing Heroes Project

There are 233 privately owned, vacant properties in Hartlepool. In addition, Hartlepool has an above average number of young care leavers – 120 – who are disproportionately vulnerable to becoming homeless. By offering care leavers the opportunity to refurbish and eventually live in currently vacant properties, we support them to secure a more positive future for themselves. The process is accessible for anyone leaving care to be involved with, even if they do not wish to move into the property once it has been completed. We can summarise the process into the following:


Housing Heroes will look to the 233 vacant properties to find a suitable setting to begin the process of refurbishment. We bid for and secure properties to use as part of the housing Heroes project.


We provide the opportunity for young people leaving care to refurbish a property which will become their home. all aspects of the interior design are considered and implemented by those involved.


We support the young people leaving care to live in their own sustainable home, in which they can grow and develop.

We work with executives from...

01429 891312

Charity Number: 1125261

Company Number: 6626559